Monday 30 December 2013


 I've been watching a few of these nifty little 2013 videos from people I follow, and as I'm feeling just as reflective about my year in this strange limbo like time between Christmas and New Year, I thought I'd make my own!

This really made me realise how much I love Instagram, it makes you appreciate and remember all the things you thought were important enough to stop and take a picture of! AND I don't even care if I'm that person taking a picture of their dinner, I actually love looking back through them!

I've had such an amazing 2013, starting off interning at ASOS, then I spent my last few months at uni before going to the Amalfi Coast, interning at Oasis and Monsoon, Graduating, attending some great events, and then moving to a lovely new house!

Fingers crossed 2014 will be just as exciting! My aim is to finally land myself a job in Fashion PR, what's yours?

Link my Instagram (xgeorgia) if you've made a best of 2013 flipagram, I'd love to see!

Happy New Year, see you in 2014!

Georgia x


  1. It sounds like you've had a lovely year and I love your video :) mine's over here at my personal Instagram: :)
    Hope you have an amazing 2014!!
    Keep in touch!
    Andrea xxx

  2. I wish people would take more pictures, I feel like everyone looks at me if I'm taking a picture of my food but, they are so good to look back on and to remind you of things.

    Grace x

    1. Haha me too! I try to sneakily snap my food but why should we be ashamed! xx


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to tweet me too @georgiabeeee :) x

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